Enlaces a los ppt de las exposiciones orales
1. Digestive track of birds - Borja Aguirre
2. Virus: structure, types and examples - Ramón Rdgez
3. Tracheal System - Álvaro Mtnez- Garrido
4. Braquial system - Jaime López-Seoane
5. The fetal circulatory system - Javier Zamora
6. Types of excretory systems - Alvaro López-Jurado
7. Cloacae system - José Lombarte
8. Types of fecundation - Alvaro Erhardt
9. Metamorphosis cycles - Pablo Rubio
10. Types of phtoreceptors - Esteban Glez
11. The lateral line of fish - Pablo Villalobos
12. Camouflage - Jose Luis Pérez
13. Diabetes - Luis Wesolowski
14. AIDS (SIDA) - Pablo Mingote
15. ICTUS - Jaime Stein
16. Types of minerals - Álvaro Pampillón
17. Types of rocks - Álvaro García
18. Mineral Properties - Gonzalo Soler
19. Fossil fuels - Juan Yagüe
20. Vitamins - Nicolás Vázquez
21. Endosymbiotic teory - Guillermo Hott
22. Asexual reproduction - Jaime Argós
23. Glacial Landforms - Carlos Allende
24. Coast landforms - Juan Güel
25. The geologycal action of water - Alvaro Hernández
26. Healthy Diet - Rafa Masoliver
27. ETS - Julio Fdez